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Stone Residence

Starting Price 2,000,000 EGP

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Delivery date: 2019

Down Payment: 10%

Installment Years: 6 Years

Unit Types: ,

PRE Real Estate

It consists of four main components each of which is considered to be a project by itself, Stone park, stone residence, Stone towers, and the newly born Stone Street. These Four components complement each other to form a harmonious community that celebrates life.

stone residence compound

is the second residential component of the “stone” project, it is an important corner that fully completes the integration concept of the “stone residence” project With a total land area of around 600,00 m2, stone residence new Cairo encompasses
142 blocks, embracing 462 buildings with each building containing 8 apartments, offering flexible apartment spaces that range from 140 m2  to 220 m2.
Master Plan: stone residence compound master plan was designed with careful attention to every detail in / and surrounding the project while putting in mind the relation of the four different-yet integrated components of the  “ Stone Residence” Project as a whole. A perfect master plan can only deliver the right elements and ingredients for a superb project.
Stone Residence master plan embraces the feeling of freedom, open-air, greenery, water features, and swimming pools in complete harmony with the architectural design of the residential buildings.
A pressure-free lifestyle: Stone Residence enjoys its privacy with two separate entrances for its residents and visitors, designed with special attention to the ease and smoothness of traffic flow inside the compound, thus all the main roads are double-loaded with perpendicular parking for each apartment to let go of the hassle of finding a parking spot every day, and bearing in mind enough parking spaces for guests.
The traffic flow design made sure that you will always have the feeling of smooth traffic flow and safety in the stone residence compound

Property Id: 19770
Price: Starting Price 2,000,000 EGP
Delivery Date: 2019
Finishing Status: Fully Finished & Semi Finished
Down Payment: 10%
Installment Years: 6 Years
project: Stone Residence

Other Features
24 Hour Security
Cafes & Restaurants
Club House
Kids area
Parking Area
Sports area
Swimming Pool

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    iProperties Egypt | Office 208 | B07 | Pearl Des Rois Administrative buildings, New Cairo Governorate 11865



    [email protected]

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