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CityScape Egypt 2019

Posted by iProperties Egypt on June 12, 2019

Increase your company’s ROI: Visitors attending Cityscape Egypt take advantage of the special offers available to them and make a property purchase during or as a direct result of the show, proving that the value for your business can far exceed the investment. Build brand awareness: Showcase your brand to over 18,000+ participants over the course of 4 days. Become an industry leader: Position your company as an industry leader locally and internationally. Meet the right people: Showcase your projects & services to local and international buyers. Gain industry knowledge: Cityscape Egypt Conference offers a unique opportunity to gather key product management and market research insights from your peers. Be listed on Cityscape Online: Cityscape Online is the new and latest, specialised search platform that facilitates interactions between developers, brokers, investors, home buyers & other stakeholders all year around.

Save time and money comparing the widest choice of properties including those in the planning stage, all under one roof.

Get answers to your questions direct from leading real estate professionals and make highly informed decisions about your next investment.

Find out how the market is changing and how this will affect your property investment returns.

Browse the latest homes, shopping centres, business complexes, hotels and recreational spaces in a relaxed, leisurely atmosphere. Families are welcome and cafeterias are located on the Visitor Showguide provided.

General Home Buyers

Everyone welcome


Banks, Financial Institutions, Investment Companies, Fund Management Companies, Private Investors, Pension Funds, REITs, Venture Capitalists,Insurance Companies, Hedge Funds, Private Equity Investors, Asset Management Companies, Sovereign Wealth Funds


Residential, Office, Commercial, Hotel & Leisure, Retail, Industrial, Infrastructure

Cities and Regional Authorities

Investment Promotion Agencies, Economic Development Authorities, City Promotion Agencies and Authorities, Location marketing agencies, Regional Development and Investment Zones, Inward Investment Organizations

Service Providers

Consultants, Architects, Designers, Urban Planners, Real Estate Owners, Engineering Consultants, Contractors, Project Management Companies, Construction Companies, Property Advisors, Real Estate Solution Providers, Real Estate Development Consultants, Corporate End Users, Retailers

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