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Fountain Side Residence

fountain side uptown Cairo

fountain side uptown Cairo

Emaar Misr

announces the launch of the first phase of Fountainside Residence in Uptown Cairo, Delivery on 2021 , Fully Finished

The Fountainside Residence contains two-to-three bedroom apartments, duplexes, penthouses, and ground floor units with private gardens coming in exquisite interior and architecture. The floor plans range from 148 square meters to 319 square meters.

Located in the heart of Uptown Cairo, Fountainside Residence encompasses lush greenery areas, a private swimming pool, and spectacular views of Cairo, according to the real estate developer’s website.

What are the types of units in Fountain Side Residence?

unit type in fountain side residence uptown Cairo, Apartments full finished

Apartments 2 Bedroom

apartments 3 Bedroom

What are the price for  fountain side residence  ?

Start Price for  bedroom apartments fully finished in 5,000,000

For Early booking or more details Call us 01009002282   – 01000610696

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